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App Artwork Scaler

Ontwikkelaarstools Grafisch en ontwerp
2.99 USD

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You are a Cocoa or Cocoa Touch Developer or designing App Icons and
spend a lot of time scaling Graphics or creating icons for iOS or OSX Apps?

Spend your time and let App Artwork Scaler do the work ...

App Artwork Scaler accepts png, jpg, bmp, gif and tif Sourcefiles with 72 dpi
wide and high Resolution and 8 Bit RGBA Colorspace.
Sourcefiles must not end with "@2x" or "@3x".

Features of App Artwork Scaler:
- support for Xcode 6.2 with @3x, WatchKit and CarPlay Scales
- generate automatically any Scales
- generate automatically OS X AppIcon Graphics
- generate automatically icns-Iconfile with Icon.iconset-directory
- generate automatically iOS AppIcon Graphics
- save and load widths to / from a Scaler-File for reuse

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